Other Services

Permanent Resident Card

A Permanent Resident (PR) card is an identity document that identifies the individual as a Canadian Permanent Resident, and required for a number of purposes, including return from travel to other countries, and proof of work eligibility.

Refugee Claim

Foreign nationals in Canada who are at risk in their home country and wish to make a refugee claim may submit their application from within Canada in some cases.  Please contact us to see if you are eligible.

Refugee Representation

Prior to being granted or denied refugee status, the foreign national making a refugee claim is required to appear in a hearing before the Immigration Refugee Board.  Please contact us for more information.

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

Employers wishing to hire foreign workers usually require an LMIA.  There are specific requirements for each LMIA depending on the type of employee required.


In some cases, IRCC makes errors in fact or law pertaining to applications, and making an appeal is necessary.  There are specific factors looked at in appeals and very strict time frames.  If you think an appeal on your case may be necessary, please contact us for more information.

Judicial Review

Sometimes a refused case will need to be taken to Federal Court to be determined.  We work with a number of qualified representatives to assist you if this is something you require.  Please contact us for more details.

Refugee Travel Document

Protected persons and persons who have been granted refugee status, but have not been granted Canadian Permanent Residence, will require a Refugee Travel document if they intend to travel outside of Canada and return. The travel document is valid for all countries, except for the country or countries against whom they made their claim.